As I reflect on the past year and the challenges that our global community has faced, I am filled with gratitude, hope, and excitement. The ongoing pandemic and economic turmoil have been felt by people all around the world, and I am grateful for your generosity and continued support in the face of these difficulties.
I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the challenges that our programs have faced as well. Despite our best efforts, we saw a significant decline in student enrollment at Ubangi Protestant University, with women seeing the steepest drop. Additionally, an exponential increase in the cost of production, due to global economic instability, made our bakery program barely operational. Lastly, one of the infants that we received at the Sabuli's Children Center in critical condition sadly passed away shortly after being with us, leaving a devastating impact on our team and community.
It could sometimes be easy for us to focus solely on our achievements, but I share these challenges because it is important for us to be grounded in reality, and to be reminded of our vision and mission. At The Lobiko Initiative, we believe that every person deserves the opportunity to lead a life of wellbeing and be part of a thriving community. That is why we are working with urgency to provide children with a safe home and loving care, equip a generation of leaders through high-quality education, provide access to quality, affordable, and comprehensive medical care, and cultivate economic development through vocational training.
Despite these challenges, I have hope for our collective work and the resiliency and creativity of the people on the ground who selflessly dedicate their lives to serving our most vulnerable population: children who have been abandoned or orphaned. Our partnership with The Sanguma Foundation in the Congo has allowed us to directly impact the lives of over 2,000 families and individuals in the Gemena region. Your contributions have made it possible for us to provide a safe home and loving care to 94 children at Sabuli's Children Center, comprehensive medical care to over 2,000 community members through the Judy Medical Clinic, and high-quality education to 250 students at Ubangi Protestant University.
As we look ahead to the future, I am filled with gratitude for your continued support and partnership in our work. Thank you for your generosity, and support, and for being a part of The Lobiko Initiative.
As we enter a new year together, I continue to be grounded by this Congolese proverb, “Lokendo losa lokobandaka
la sinyosinyo,” or “the journey of 100km begins by one step.”
With Gratitude, Wilita Sanguma
With Gratitude,
Wilita Sanguma, Executive Director